
oh, my.
i'm in trouble.
so, yesterday at the massively popular earth-friendly grocery store chain where i work a vendor rep came in.
nothing to extraordinary, right?
just a coffee rep for a new line we've started carrying. (granted, it's a very exclusive pseudo-Latin America growing region that costs and arm, a leg, and a foot, but still....)
he gave me, as they all do, samples.
pre-ground samples.
i am picky about my coffee.
this is an understatement. :-)
they were pre-ground with no valve in the bag. (quick lesson - coffee gives off CO2 after it's roasted. this causes bags to explode, which is bad. most bags have one-way 'burp' valves so that this does not occur. generally, coffee only stops giving off CO2 when it's....STALE! ick.)

the pre-ground bit is worriesome too - universal grinds are almost always slightly wrong for every machine in an effort to make it fit every machine.

after listening to the entire *45* minute schpiel (which is a pain in the ass any day, but especially when i'm not thrilled with work and, as always, concerned about my finances is worse....), i go off thinking, 'well, hey - the rich snobs will love it, but...'

i just tried one of the samples.
they recommend using less coffee than normal.
i did.
the result should have been so bitter as to be (to me, at least) undrinkable.

it is not bitter. it is not undrinkable.
it is some of the best coffee i have had in....
well, at least since i moved to new jersey.

it is $15.99/8 oz.
i'm screwed.
but it's *yummy*


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